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Current Location: 首页 - Foreign trade school - Common sense of customs declaration

What are the most basic 4 kinds of documents for import declaration?

  Whether it is the import customs clearance process or the export customs clearance process, the relevant documents of goods are one of the most important basis for customs audit。Many companies do not prepare complete documents in a hurry declaration, not only waste manpower and materials, but also affect the speed of customs declaration, so in advance to understand the documents required for goods declaration is the top priority of customs declaration。
  In the process of import and export trade declaration, there are four kinds of documents are necessary, are the most basic four kinds of documents:
  1.The PACKINGLIST shall indicate the quantity of goods to be declared. The quantity of packages and the name, quantity, net weight and gross weight of each product in each package shall be specified in detail。
  2.INVOICE form CE Invoice shall indicate product name, quantity, unit price and total price。
Import and export declaration
  3.Sales contracts SALESCONRTACT Sales contracts also need to list the name, quantity, unit price and total price of each product, and also need to list and stamp the company of the buyer and seller。
  4.The declaration elements shall be filled in one by one according to the customs code declaration elements of the corresponding goods。
  At the same time, the four documents of packing list, proforma invoice, contract and declaration elements should correspond to the customs declaration。
  Before customs declaration, in addition to the above four items, there are some special goods will require special documents。Common certificates of origin, chemical safety technical specifications MSDS, hazardous packaging certificates and other special documents。还有:

       1. Import license
       2. Entry Plant and Animal Quarantine Permit
       3. 3C Certificate or 3C Free Manual or 3C Free Manual
       4, Import and Export Food (Cosmetics) Label Audit Certificate or pre-packaged food (cosmetics) label sample and translation documents (only applicable to pre-packaged food and cosmetics import inspection)
       5. Import Inspection Report of Dairy Products, etc。The special documents required for the goods can be found on the Internet, the best way is to consult the freight forwarder。
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