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Second-hand machinery import customs clearance agent detailed explanation

Definition of used machinery Imported used mechanical and electrical products include:
        1) Mechanical and electrical products that have been used and still have fundamental function and certain application value
        2) Mechanical and electrical products that have not been used but are stored for too long and exceed the quality guarantee period
        3) Mechanical and electrical products that are not used but stored for too long, and the components produce obvious losses.
        4) Mechanical and electrical products with new and old parts mixed
        5) Large used equipment
        Above, we have simply understood the advantages and roles of second-hand machinery and equipment in modern industry。Then it is necessary to see which mechanical equipment is allowed to import, which is not allowed to import。
        For used mechanical and electrical products not allowed to be imported, please refer to:(Catalogue of imported used mechanical and electrical products not subject to filing and scope of application)
        For used mechanical and electrical products permitted to be imported, please refer to:(Catalogue of the first batch of imported used mechanical and electrical products with conditions for filing and scope of application)
        For used mechanical and electrical products permitted to be imported, please refer to:(The catalogue of imported used mechanical and electrical products for the record)
Second-hand machinery import customs clearance agent detailed explanation
        First, pay attention规则
        Rules for the management of imported used equipment with foreign investment:
        1) New and used mechanical and electrical products imported as investment within the total amount of foreign investment are exempt from automatic import permits, but used mechanical and electrical products must be processed。
        2) New and old mechanical and electrical products imported as investment within the total amount of foreign investment are exempt from pre-inspection and filing before loading, but old mechanical and electrical products must be processed。
        3) The legal inspection of used mechanical and electrical products imported by foreign investment and the examination of product value; the merger stops the application for import of used mechanical and electrical products。
        Ii. General procedures:
        1) Confirm the commodity code of used mechanical and electrical products
        2) Confirm the supervision conditions of used mechanical and electrical products
        3) Confirm whether used mechanical and electrical products belong to compulsory certification (3C certification)
        4) Confirm the relevant record of the commodity inspection authorities
        Third, used mechanical and electrical import required documents:
        2) Application for the record of imported used mechanical and electrical products done by the quarantine Bureau of the import port。
        3) If the imported machine is a printing press, it is required to apply for a printing operation permit from the National News General Heat。
        4) If the product tax number touches the compulsory certification of the country, 3C certificate should be provided。
        4. Detailed operations are as follows:
        Our company agent import milling machine customs clearance for example: first by the company and overseas suppliers to discuss the relevant matters of machinery and equipment, payment to foreign countries, and then by overseas suppliers arranged by sea, sent to our Hong Kong branch to receive the goods。我公司从香港接到机器后开端办理旧机电产品进口所需求的相关手续和批文(包括:进口机电产品答应证<旧>,Pre-shipment inspection and quarantine certificate for imported used mechanical and electrical products,Import of used mechanical and electrical products for filing) customs declaration and inspection,Pay duty,Value-added tax,Contact commodity inspection,On-site inspection of goods at port,After customs clearance, the machine will be delivered to our warehouse in Shenzhen。There are the company's personnel to inspect the goods, and pay, and then arrange the vehicle to transport the machine to the customer。
        1, first check the HS code of the milling machine is 84595900, the tariff is 15%, the value-added tax is 13%, and the comprehensive tax rate is 0.2995 (Second-hand machinery imports, machine inspection unit money, customs is according to the import of goods of the same type or similar type of new machine price to collect duties and value-added tax!)
        2. Why should the goods be sent to Hong Kong?Some friends will think that such a transfer will generate additional costs, in fact, this understanding is a certain misunderstanding!
        V. Answer to questions:
        1, the old machine before import is to handle the old mechanical and electrical products before shipment inspection and quarantine certificate。Aqsiq has four authorized companies in foreign countries: Europe, North America, Japan and Hong Kong。The cost of inspection and quarantine abroad is much higher than that in Hong Kong。
        2, if there is a problem in the customs clearance process, because Hong Kong is very close to Shenzhen, the problem is also dealt with in a timely manner。
        3, Hong Kong is an international free trade port, in addition to tobacco, alcohol and other consumer goods in the port to pay taxes, machinery into the port is zero tariff, so you do not have to worry about paying high taxes。
        4, if you do not do the inspection, directly send the second-hand equipment to the country is an unlicensed import, if the disposal is not good, not only for return, but also need to fine and delay a lot of time。
Six, the cost of importing ordinary used equipment is roughly as follows:

        Customs duty, VAT + Hong Kong port and exchange, customs declaration fee + domestic customs declaration and inspection, commodity inspection fee + Hong Kong-Shenzhen transportation fee + used mechanical and electrical approval and certification fee + agency fee + other fees。
        The above is the basic process of importing second-hand machinery, which is more complex is to handle: automatic import permit, import of old mechanical and electrical products before shipment inspection certificate, old mechanical and electrical products filing application....However, these several approvals are generally my company for customers to apply for processing。
        If you contact our agent to import, please provide: the Chinese title of the machine, brand model, origin, date of consumption, value, detailed weight, size, color, picture (front, back, left and right sides, panorama one each。


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